2019-2020 IPTAY Student Advisory Board Applications Now Available
2019-2020 IPTAY Student Advisory Board Applications Now Available
The IPTAY Student Advisory Board is made up of a select group of current Clemson students who serve as liaisons between the student body and IPTAY. ISAB enables IPTAY to connect with the students on campus to better educate the general student body on the organization’s mission to support Clemson student-athletes. ISAB is a fun and exciting way to support your Clemson Tigers, make new friends on campus and be an active part of Tiger athletics! Initiatives include building the IPTAY Collegiate Club brand, growing the membership base, and promoting the Solid Orange message on campus.
New member applications for the 2019-2020 academic year are now available. If you know of a current Clemson student who you believe would be a great fit for the IPTAY Student Advisory Board, we encourage you to pass this information along to them. Applications are due Friday, March 15 at 11:59 p.m.
As a member of ISAB, opportunities exist to assist with IPTAY and athletic department events throughout the year that are both mandatory and voluntary in nature, including:
- Solid Orange Friday
- Welcome Back Festival participation and Collegiate Club membership drive
- IPTAY/Collegiate Club Punt, Pass and Kick competition
- Lunch In Littlejohn
- Basketball Premium Seating greeters
- IPTAY Days at Clemson athletic events
If you are a current student interested in joining ISAB and would like to learn more and meet some of the current members, please join us for a drop in meet and greet on Wednesday, February 27 from 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. at the Allen N. Reeves recruiting room located inside the home team tunnel of Memorial Stadium.
IPTAY Student Advisory Board members serve as student ambassadors for IPTAY. Because there are a limited number of new openings to serve on the IPTAY Student Advisory Board each year, it is required that all interested students complete the online application process. All students who are invited to serve on the board must commit to the expectations noted below. We invite all interested students to apply for the IPTAY Student Advisory Board.
Board Member Expectations
- Attendance at bi-weekly meetings held on Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. at the IPTAY office
- Work two mandatory, plus three voluntary events per semester
2019 Application Timeline
February 25 – Online application opens
March 15 – Complete application due by 11:59 p.m.
Week of April 1 – Select students will be invited to interview in person
Week of April 8 – New members appointed
Application Requirements
- Complete online application
- Be a full-time Clemson student
- Cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher
- Must be a rising sophomore or older
- Current member of the IPTAY Collegiate Club
- Letter of recommendation (May be from a Clemson professor, community leader, coach, mentor, high school teacher etc.)
- Resume
Please submit your resume and letter of recommendation either in person at the IPTAY Office (Currently located in the West Zone of Memorial Stadium) or by mail to Attn: ISAB PO Box 1529 Clemson, SC 29633.
To apply for the 2019-2020 IPTAY Student Advisory Board online click HERE.