IPTAY Seat Equity

IPTAY Seat Equity

IPTAY 2025 Seat Equity Plan

Clemson, like other top-20 attendance leaders, added a preferred seating component to our annual giving program in 2008. Under this plan, season ticket holders who give at or above the specific per-seat value qualify for specific seating in Memorial Stadium. In recent adjustments to the seat equity plan, all season tickets in Memorial Stadium available for purchase require a per-seat donation. These adjustments were determined and endorsed by the IPTAY Board of Directors and the Athletic Department.

To estimate the minimum IPTAY donation required to renew your seats, simply multiple the value for your section by the number of tickets you have in that specific location. As a reminder, the maximum number of season tickets an IPTAY Donor is eligible to purchase each season is determined by your IPTAY annual giving level.

Seat Equity Plan Equation: IPTAY Seat Value x Number of Seats = Required IPTAY donation

Per-seat donations are a common system utilized in intercollegiate athletics to enhance the annual support provided to student-athletes. When the initial IPTAY Seat Equity Plan was announced and implemented in 2008, modified in 2013 and 2017, one component of the plan permitted periodic marketplace reviews of the values of each section of seating in Memorial Stadium. The diagram below shows the current per-seat donations that were implemented beginning with the IPTAY 2023 year.

Please note meeting the per-seat donation does not guarantee assignment in the location. New or additional football season tickets are assigned by IPTAY level and priority points within that level.


Q: How does the plan affect Life & Endowment donors?

As done in 2008, 2013, and 2017, the modification of the IPTAY Seat Equity Plan will allow life donors to purchase the number of seats outlined in their respective life donor agreements pertaining to the specific IPTAY giving level. These seats in the life donor agreement will not be affected. However, seats purchased above and beyond the life donor agreed upon number (included in the agreement) will be impacted by the modification of the IPTAY Seat Equity Plan.

Q: How does the plan affect Clemson Faculty & Staff members?

Current Clemson faculty and staff members who purchase football season tickets receive a $200 credit toward an IPTAY membership, which may be applied to the modification of the IPTAY Seat Equity Plan. If the faculty/staff member already maintains an IPTAY donor level, $200 will be credited to their current donor level upon the purchase of football season tickets.

Q: Does the plan mean that everyone in your section donates the same amount to IPTAY?

A misconception when we use the term “equity” is that each IPTAY donor sitting next to another IPTAY donor is donating the same amount as the other. This is true in some cases, but there are many other factors that contribute to this not being exact. The quantity of tickets is the main factor, as well as the parking the donors’ request. The per-seat donation that IPTAY requires is the minimum donors can contribute to renew their seats.

Many IPTAY donors contribute more than the required donation. However, one must consider all of the factors, including parking priority, seat locations, and, most critically, that each donation supports the mission of IPTAY.

Q: Why is the seat equity plan important?

The preferred seating component within IPTAY is vital to the IPTAY annual fund. The funds generated by the IPTAY Seat Equity Plan go directly to supporting Clemson student-athletes through athletic scholarships, new and upgraded facilities, academic support, strength & conditioning, nutrition services, and more. These dollars continue to be critical in IPTAY’s efforts to provide the necessary resources for all student-athletes to be top competitors in the classroom and athletic competition amidst the rising costs associated with intercollegiate athletics.

Q: Will the IPTAY seat equity plan be required beyond 2025?

Yes. The IPTAY Seat Equity Plan works in conjunction with your annual IPTAY contribution and will be necessary for your season ticket renewal or purchase each year. Also, the donation levels and seat values associated with each specific section may be revised to address the future needs of IPTAY and the Clemson University Athletic Department. The IPTAY Board and the athletic department review the IPTAY Seat Equity Plan each year.

Q: Do I have to participate in the annual IPTAY Seat Equity Plan to keep my season-ticket location?

Yes. The IPTAY Seat Equity Plan is required to renew football season tickets. Please note all seating areas within Memorial Stadium have an associated per-seat value.

Q: How will this affect my parking assignment?

Parking is reassigned annually using each donor’s annual giving level and IPTAY Priority Point total. As donors decide to increase their giving to retain seats or to request seat improvements, parking assignments may be affected.