IPTAY 50% Deadline: February 15

IPTAY 50% Deadline Set for February 15, 2022
Now that we have flipped the calendar to the New Year, the annual IPTAY 50% deadline of February 15 is approaching. In order for donors to activate their online 2022 Clemson football season ticket and parking application in the spring, donors must pledge and complete 50% of their IPTAY 2022 donation by February 15, 2022. As a reminder, all payments on pledges are due in full by June 1, 2022. For a complete list of annual giving levels and the associated benefits, please click HERE.
If you would like to go ahead and renew or join IPTAY for the 2022 year, you can call to easily make your donation over the phone (1-800-CLEMSON), click HERE to join, click HERE to renew online, or stop by the IPTAY Center located adjacent to the Winkopp Gate (gate 9) of Memorial Stadium, or print and mail in a membership application with your payment. If you have already joined for IPTAY 2022, thank you for your support!