2022 Football Parking and Tailgating

2022 Football Parking and Tailgating
“…The Best is Yet to Come”; it’s a quote that we often hear around Clemson athletics and IPTAY. We truly believe it because we continue to be blessed by generous IPTAY donors that provide the funding needed for our student-athletes to succeed. Clemson fans join IPTAY for many reasons, with one being the benefit of being assigned a parking/tailgating space when you order at least two football season tickets and give at the Orange level and above. For many, gathering with friends and family at their parking/tailgating space is a high priority, and we want to make sure that you make the best membership decision so that the 2022 football tailgating season can be the best yet. One of the best places to start gathering information about your football parking and tailgating options is by visiting the IPTAY Football Parking Information page on the IPTAY website. This page includes the interactive parking map with updated giving levels from the 2021 season for each parking lot and the suggested giving levels for the 2022 season. It also consists of an online submission form submitted directly to staff that can help answer your questions via email or to set an appointment to discuss your IPTAY membership.
How should I use the Interactive Football Parking Map?
If you liked your parking location during the 2021 season, be sure to visit the map and pull up your specific location. From that page, you can see the space layout from the 2021 season, what level donors were in this location this past year, and the membership level and expected point totals needed to be assigned to that lot for the 2022 season. These are just general guidelines based on expected membership upgrades, renewals, and changes in donor demand. For example, suppose a donor parked in the Tennis Center for the 2021 season and wanted to again for the 2022 season. In that case, the donor can see that 43 donors were at the Jervey ($5,000) giving level and above last year, with the other 49 spaces being assigned to donors at the IPTAY ($3,500) giving level.
Suppose the donor has been at the IPTAY level and has less than 240 points. In that case, the recommendation is to join at the Jervey level for IPTAY 2022 to improve their donor rank to be in the best position for assignment to the Tennis Center for this coming season.
To make this upcoming season the best yet, the IPTAY staff is looking at all parking lots for ways to improve the experience for everyone on game day. Possible improvements that have been reviewed include additional restroom trailers, better signage, adjusted layouts that aid ingress/egress, improved transit options, pedestrian safety improvements, just to name a few. Additionally, several campus projects could impact football parking inventory and pre and post-game traffic patterns each year. Typically these projects are finalized in the winter, planned in the spring, followed by construction in the summer as campus becomes less busy while students are away. Please stay tuned to the MyOrangeUpdate e-newsletter for more information and your email inbox to communicate any changes that may impact football game days at Clemson. Meetings are held weekly now and through the early summer to appropriately address all concerns brought to attention during the 2021 season.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to the IPTAY parking team! If you have suggestions, questions, or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us by email at IPTAYParking@clemson.edu.